Membership in the Kansas City Plastic Surgery Society (KCPSS) shall be at the invitation of the Society.
Basic requirements for admission into the KCPSS are in parallel with the requirements of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
The categories of membership in the KCPSS are
- Active Member
- Candidate for Membership
- Resident Affiliate
Applying for new membership in the KCPSS shall include a letter of intent from the applicant, a letter of recommendation from a current member of the KCPSS, and appropriate documentation of membership in the ASPS and Board certification.
Members will be assessed annual dues ($105 annually). Dues will be used to sponsor regular meetings of the KCPSS, and for other activities or documents as approved by the Active Members. Only Active Members in KCPSS will be eligible to vote on issues presented at the regular meetings.
**Failure to pay dues two years consecutively will result in loss of Active Membership**
Active Membership
Active Members should be surgeons of high moral and ethical standing in the Greater Kansas City community. An Active Member in the KCPSS must also be an Active Member of ASPS. This includes current certification by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and meeting the continuing education requirements of ASPS. Surgeons of other specialties who request membership in the KCPSS may also be considered on an individual basis only after approval by a vote of the Active Members.
Candidate for Membership
Candidates for Membership in KCPSS should also be Candidates for Membership in ASPS and abide by all of the rules and regulations specified by that title. This includes being in the full-time practice of plastic surgery in the Greater Kansas City area, and in good standing on the hospital staff of one of the area hospitals with privileges in plastic surgery. This also includes completion of an accredited plastic surgery residency to qualify for examination by the above noted certifying specialty Boards.
Resident Affiliate
Resident Affiliation does not confer membership in the KCPSS. Rather, it is a means for residents in plastic surgery to become familiar with the KCPSS and to maintain communication with the Society. Resident Affiliates to the KCPSS should also be Resident Affiliates of the ASPS and abide by those rules and regulations. Annual dues to KCPSS shall be waived for Resident Affiliates.
President / President-Elect (Treasurer)
Both above officers are elected by the Active Members of the KCPSS to serve a term of one year beginning in January of each year. The President will serve as Chief Elected Officer of the KCPSS and will serve as Chair of any created committees within KCPSS. The officers shall preside at all meetings of the Membership of the KCPSS and shall direct the agenda of the meetings. This may include the invitation of guest speakers, the direction of items to be considered by vote, maintenance of the list of Members including the collection of dues, and directing the overall business of the KCPSS.
The Treasurer will be considered the President-Elect to become President the following calendar year and will maintain the financial business of the KCPSS. Both officers shall be elected by the Active Members after appropriate nomination at a regular meeting.